i'm trying to fake myself.
though i hate to do that, it's the only way can help me to quit.
where's my future?
where's myself?
where's my dream world?
i don't know...
i don't know...
i just want to be with my friends, but it won't stay forever.
each of us will leave and start to find our own world.
i know i can't stay with my friends forever........
i wish i can.
i wish.
but how can i wish if i'm a no-hoper?

oh friends........
i can't live without you all.....that's sound silly...
ha ha ha
i'm not enough brave to face myself and my future.
you have your own world, and i can't go with you.
why do i always act like a child?
why can't i grow up? like a teenager?!
damn it
what's the hell wrong with me?
(i've already asked this question for interminable times.)
and i never answer it.
i don't want to answer it.
i don't need to answer it.
it's a damn question!

oh come on
who can give me a mirror that can tell me the answer?
who can save me from this terrible world?
who will give me a chance if i leave myself alone?
who will look into my eyes and tell me that it'll be fine?

i fell in love with a friend, but i can't i can't i can't.....
and i know that she doesn't like me
ha ha ha
what a sad story!
my heart and my mind don't wanna quit.
what a damn torture!
i can pretend well.
i can assume that i don't have any lover.
yeah i can conceal everything..............................
but i can't fake my feeling and the expression in my eyes.
unfortunately, i'm not clever enough to be a faker.

i don't want to lie my friends.

how to FAKE one's feeling?
how to FAKE one's heart?

i don't know
i don't know
i don't know
i don't know

    創作者 stilllovewho 的頭像

    since 2006

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