Dear Z

Today wasn't my day.
I couldn't express my feeling correctly and it seemed that I've ruined something important.
I don't know how to face myself.
Maybe the only way to avoid hurting anyone I care keep every secret or feeling in my mind and just don't show them.
Maybe it's a good way to do, but I'm not sure.

I believe that you won't have any idea about how to help me.
Don't worry, dude!
I'll get used to it.
And that's the only way I can do.

You'll always listen to my problems or worries, won't you?
Ha ha
I know you do that all the time, and I'm really thankful for that.

Hope you can enjoy your leisure time.

         By Aut.

    創作者 stilllovewho 的頭像

    since 2006

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